Monday, March 24, 2008

Cookbook gone to press

Last week, I took this picture to use for the front pages of the cookbook the Concerned Citizens of Giles County has put together to use for fundraising. The book has gone to press and will be available for purchase next month, hopefully.

The town of Narrows is just around the corner....

This is what I wrote about the New River for the cookbook:

Giles County is home to 37 miles of the New River, designated a National River in 1998 by President Clinton. As the river meanders through the county, scenic sights abound including Eggleston Cliffs and Castle Rock. The New River cuts a fifteen hundred feet deep gap through the East River and Peters Mountains and through the town of Narrows, close to the site of the controversial Cumberland Park Project. New River is considered to be one of the best fishing rivers, attracting outdoor enthusiasts from across the country.
Now, why would anyone want to put 256,000 cubic yards of coal ash on such a beautiful river?

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